We would advise you to phone ahead to let us know you’re coming for your first session and then arrive at least ten to fifteen minutes before the class is due to start to allow us to complete a small piece of admin with you.

You should bring a t-shirt to wear under your judo uniform (judogi) jacket, and some loose fitting bottoms that have no zips on them, and preferably no metal at all. Judo is generally practiced barefoot, however some people choose to wear socks, or neoprene socks for medical reasons – please note that we do not recommend this as it can reduce your grip on the mat.

Nails should be cut short, hair tied back, and piercings removed.

You should also bring a drink, and may wish to bring a towel to dry yourself afterwards (you will sweat!), along with a change of clothes.

You are welcome to come and watch a session before you actually commit to taking part.

We currently run kids classes on monday, wednesday, thursday and fridays evenings, and adult classes on monday, wednesday and friday evenings. Please see the sessions times page for up to date class times.

We take junior players from age four.

There is no upper age limit for adults.

Yes, and the coaching team have experience in coaching students with varying disabilities. If you or someone you care for has a disability and wishes to partake in judo at Shudan Wellingborough Judo Club, please contact the head coach to make sure that we can accommodate your particular needs.

It doesn’t cost much to start Judo; if you’re new to the sport, your first session is free so you can see if you like it. After that there is a small monthly charge (see our pricing page for up to date membership fees), the yearly licence fee, which currently stands at £42 for a full adult licence, and then entry fees for any grading or competition you choose to partake in. A
judo uniform (judogi) can cost as little as £20, however as with most things, the best quality ones cost considerably more. An intermediate judogi can last many years if taken care of correctly.

Shudan Wellingborough Judo club operates under the governance of the British Judo Association, who require students to take a licence through them. That licence includes your insurance.

A full adult BJA licence costs £42 a year (correct as of June 2020), and along with insurance, allows entry in appropriate competitions, gradings, and events. It also includes a quarterly digital magazine.

We do, from time to time, when the demand arises and the availability of the coaches makes it possible, however if there is no beginners course running when you are looking to start, you’d be best to phone ahead and then attend one the normal timetabled sessions and get involved, rather than wait.

First things first, we’ll fit you up with a judo uniform jacket to borrow for the session, so it’s best to arrive at least ten to fifteen minutes before the session is due to start.

When the class starts, we’ll lead a warm up session which also incorporates some fitness for judo. After the warm up, we will most likely separate you from the rest of the class to work one on one with a coach or experienced student to take you through ukemi (techniques of falling safely whilst practicing throws), and then a few basic moves. Depending on how quickly you progress, and on your willingness to participate, we might then mix you in with the rest of the group for whatever activity they are doing at that time.

You will be. At Shudan we like to encourage you to achieve your best performance, however we recognise that not everyone is as fit as they would like to be, or may have reasons while they cannot train to the same standard as everyone else. All we ask is that you push yourself. If you need to take a break, or even stop at times to recover, that is absolutely fine with us, and no doubt there will often be someone else sitting at the side of the mat with you.

Judogi are available at many retailers online and instore, however please consider that we also supply a range of judogi and at reduced costs to members of Shudan Wellingborough Judo Club, and any profits are put straight back into building the club.

No, not unless you want to; gradings and competitions are completely voluntary, though we would encourage participation as it helps you to measure your progress. If competitive judo is simply not for you, there is a reduced price recreational judo licence available.

As soon as we think you’re ready. There are a range of competitions available, and many have different categories to suit players of different grades and ages. We can advise you on which we think are most suitable for you.

Of course! There is no minimum term for membership, however for the convenience of the admin staff, we’d prefer you not to cancel renew, cancel renew in a short period of time; if you wish to continue the membership but are struggling to pay at certain times, please speak to us so that we can explore your options.