Fierce but fun Judo for under 8s
The koguma club is our special under 8’s section of the club, the session was set up for them to gain basic judo skills and movement, before moving on to the work with the older kids at the club once they turn 8. Koguma means bear cub in Japanese and our little bear cub sessions, whilst fierce, are fun. The session is there for them to have fun and roll about, learning in an environment where they aren’t intimidated by the bigger kids size. The sessions are open for those children at reception year (or just starting school) up to their 8th Birthday.

How to Join.
Starting Judo at the Shudan Dojo is quite straight forward – all you need to do is turn up on a training night!
Session Prices.
Your first session is completely free! The monthly charge after this is £20 for one session per week / £28 for two or more sessions per week.